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How to Sleep Better – 5 Tips from Sleep News Articles 2019

How To Sleep Better
This post was last updated on August 6th, 2019 at 06:55 pm
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Discover how to sleep better today with these tips pulled from current research on sleep. (The 2019 Research to date)

  1. Exercise, each and every day.

    A one-week study has linked exercise on a specific day to better sleep that night. It is the first study to examine exercise and its impact on sleep on a day to day basis. The study suggests the activity levels of the person of that particular day is attributable to the quality of their sleep that night. In the study, on the days when participants exercised more, they got to sleep earlier, slept for longer and achieved a greater-quality sleep. For every additional hour of moderate-to-vigorous exercise, participants fell asleep 18 minutes earlier, slept 10 minutes longer and had about one percent greater sleep maintenance efficiency for that particular night.It worked the other way also. When participants were sedentary for more minutes during the day, they fell asleep later and woke up later but overall sleep time was less.

  2. Stick to natural sleeping aids

    Natural sleeping aids are the way to go, confirms the 2019 sleep research.In a large International study of older adults with hypertension, using sleeping tablets on a regular basis was linked with the need for an increased no of blood pressure medications over time. Regardless of a large number of factors including sleep duration, sleep quality, body mass index, diet, physical activity, and hypertension control the results were always the same. Previous research has shown that sleeping tablets have small impact and that they lead to a higher risk of death and even cancer.

  3. Aim to get sufficient sleep all week long

    A new study indicated that weekend catch-up sleep should not be used as a mechanism for chronic sleep loss in the week. The test-group of participants that were restricted from sleep in the weeks but slept longer on weekends showed a decrease in insulin sensitivity.
    Also during the week they increased snacking after dinner and experienced weight gain.

  4. Turn off TV and put away mobile phone 1 hour before bed

    Previous research has consistently proved that screen use negatively effects sleep quality, length and promotes poor perceived quality of life. This Research highlighted that when that media was consumed in absolute darkness the negative effects were even worse. The results showed that those who watched the television or used a phone in a room with a light on were 31 per cent more likely to get less sleep than those who didn’t use a screen. The percentage increased to a massive 147 per cent if the same activity took place in the dark.

  5. Boost your serotonin levels

    Some very recent research suggests that the brain chemical serotonin may be important for sleep. The study proved that the chemical promoted sleep in zebrafish and mouse models. The researchers ran various tests where they prevented or obstructed the production of serotonin. These fish “showed reduced sleep pressure” and consequently slept less. On tests where serotonin was activated, sleep was induced. While these tests were focused on animals, the raphe region and its production of serotonin are similar in human brains. And so the study indicates, that boosting your serotonin levels can help to improve your sleep.

  • Increase aerobic exercise
  • Increase your sunlight levels
  • Increase intake of foods that promote serotonin. Eg Spinach, seeds, nuts
  • Take a vitamin D tablet
  • Adopt a regular massage habit


General health freak extraordinaire obsessed with health research and optimal health performance. Note, I have other loves in my life, these include travel, good coffee, red wine, films & yoga.

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