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How to Boost Brain Health based on the Health Research of June & July 2018

How To Boost Brain Health
This post was last updated on November 14th, 2018 at 04:56 pm

Below are some tips on how to boost brain health based on the Research published in the last two months:

1. It is in your mind-set – Think yourself young

A study published in the Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience reported surprising accuracy in how subjects felt in terms of age – in terms of how this reflected into their real-life brain performance & structure.

Those who felt younger, were not only more likely to score better on the memory test but also were more inclined to have increased grey matter volume in the inferior frontal gyrus and superior temporal gyrus — all areas associated with language, speech, and sound. This means they were more likely to have the structural characteristics of a “younger” brain.

Researchers are not sure whether it is these “younger” brain characteristics that made them feel young, or whether those who “think themselves young” just reflect these feelings into their lifestyle – engaging in more physical and mental activity, and generally leading a more stimulating life, that all contributes to boosting their brain health.

think yourself young

2. Hold mobile phone well away from your ear/ Use earphones

Researchers found that cumulative brain exposure from mobile phone use, measured over a one-year timeframe, appeared to lead to a negative effect on the development of figural memory performance in adolescents.

Mobile phones can also reduce sleep quality, intelligence and increase stress.

It is best to hold mobile phone well away from your ear when taking a phone-call. Also it is recommended not to fall asleep beside your phone.

3. Elderly and Female? Live in green neighbourhood for slower cognitive decline

A new study by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health showed that the loss in cognitive functions expected as part of ageing is slightly slower in people who live in greener neighbourhoods. These results were shown to be more pronounced in women.

Living close to green spaces or spending time there has substantial benefits on your overall health. This latest research pinpoints the positive effects that it has on brain health.


4. Quit sugary drinks

New research from Columbia University presented last week at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Chicago indicates that subjects who add 30.3 grams of sugar in food, increase their risk of senile dementia by a massive 33% in comparison to those who consume just 5.8 grams.

Cut down on your overall sugar intake and aim to cut down or eliminate completely sugary drinks.

5. Up your activity levels !!!

Research at Westmead Institute for Medical Research has proved that people who engaged in the highest levels of total physical activity were twice as lively to avoid stroke, heart disease, angina, cancer and diabetes, and be in optimal physical and mental shape 10 years later. This was one of the world’s largest epidemiology studies, measuring diet and lifestyle factors against health outcomes and a range of chronic diseases.

Our findings suggest that physical activity levels need to be several times higher than what the World Health Organization currently recommends to significantly reduce the risk of chronic disease.

My best bet would be to adhere by the “additional health benefits” guideline from the the WHO´s global recommendations on general physical activity.

Check out some top tips on how to exercise optimally relative to research.

Do more exercise

6. Worship your sleep-time

Researchers have found that short-sleeping Drosophila (fruit fly) mutants were all highly sensitive to acute oxidative stress. This study indicates that sleep increases resistance to oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress is essentially an imbalance between the production of free radicals and the ability of the body to counteract or detoxify their harmful effects through neutralization by antioxidants. It can lead to various diseases.

Prioritizing your sleep is key to quality sleep. Learn new techniques on how to improve sleep quality and implement into your routine.


7. Engage in daily intellactual activity

A study in JAMA Psychiatry found that those who reported engaging in intellectual activity every day such as reading or playing board-games were less likely to develop dementia.

Using your brain every day is integral to keeping it functioning optimally.

playing chess

8. Finally, caring for somebody with dementia? Make sure to give them at least 10 minutes of social interaction a day.

Just 10 minutes of social interaction a day has been shown to significantly improve wellbeing in dementia care.

Discuss simple things to them, try chatting to them about their interests and involving them in basic decisions around their care.

caring for dementia patient

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General health freak extraordinaire obsessed with health research and optimal health performance. Note, I have other loves in my life, these include travel, good coffee, red wine, films & yoga.

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